Legal Debt Collection

How does Legal Collection work?

If the recovery process requires legal support, we can introduce you to the best law firms around the world.  Our extensive network of law firms can support your company in its efforts to recover outstanding debts using legal action. Payfor sends them your case, our history with the debtor in order to secure an effective appraisal at no cost to you. 

In a seamless process, during the 30 Day Chase Campaign we automatically check with lawyers in the respective territory of the jurisdiction of the debt.  This helps you understand what legal remedies exist to recover the debt through litigation.

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Benefits of Utilising Payfor’s Global Legal Network

Receive a free Legal Appraisal of your debt

Get details of 3-4 specific steps & cost

Payfor guarantees competitive rates

Know if its worth investing in legal action

Use legal pressure to collect the debt

Once you are happy with your choice of legal partner, Payfor is there to success manage the case on your behalf so you can focus on more important matters.
Commercial Debt Collection Letter of Demand

What Happens Next?

Lawyer sends Letter of Demand to debtor

Lawyer issues legal proceedings

Payfor discusses settlement with debtor

Or judge issues judgement (usually against the debtor)

Payfor enforces judgement against debtor

What If I already have a judgement?

If you already took legal action, Payfor can assist you in either enforcing the judgement in the respective jurisdiction (ie; freeze or confiscate assets) or track down former directors if they are tied to the judgement.

Dispute Resolution & Mediation:

Sometimes it is the case that disputes arise between companies.  In such cases, Payfor can adapt its approach from recovery to mediation.  Sometimes it takes a third party to find the solution.
There are numerous factors to legal collection to consider and weigh up.  Payfor uses its absolute best efforts to dig inside the details of your case in order to seek creative ways to collect complex debts all the whilst keeping your costs to a minimum.
To find out more about how Payfor can help you with Legal Collection read our FAQs here or book an appointment to discuss your case here.

Our Fee

Payfor’s fee schedule is a commission based rate card with different percentages charged calculated on the amount of the claim, age and location.

Due to the sensitive nature of this information, the below is just an approximate guide. In order to receive a copy of our detailed fees, please first onboard as a client.
Our business model is set up to handle SME debts typically around £25k - £50k. Although we still do accept debts of almost any size.
The average fee we charge is around 15% for a debt that is around 6 months old.  If the debt is for a larger sum (above £100k) then the cost is lower depending on the age and location.
Payfor doesn’t collect debts below £3000 unless the Creditor has also charged significant interest which added to the principal debt would make the debt higher than £3000.  For debts between £3000 to £5000 our minimum fee is 30%.
If the debt is over 1 year old, our fee will be approximately 20% unless it is a higher amount in which case the commission might be lower than 20%.
After you register with Payfor and onboard as a client you will be able to receive our detailed fee schedule in order to understand the exact fee relevant to your case.
Please contact us to arrange an initial call or meeting to discuss your case and we can start the process of New Client Onboarding.
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Copyright. Payfor 2025. London.