Your Trusted
Commercial Debt
Collection Partner
Operating Worldwide
B2B Debt Collection
Take fast & effective action now.
Activate our 30 Day Chase Campaign Today!
An effective recovery process to collect your debt.
How we collect your debt
Our Unique Method
The 30 Day Chase Campaign
Debt Collection
A 30 day Chase Campaign of daily calls and emails to debtors can be applied seamlessly backed by Legal Collection (the issuing of legal proceedings against debtors in any jurisdiction worldwide).
Legal Collection
Payfor manages the appraisal of your debt via top law firms in the jurisdiction. Free appraisal, legal steps, transparent costs which you approve. Payfor success manages the claim on your behalf.
What Makes us Different
Modern, Strategic and Direct Approach
At Payfor, we leverage our sophisticated and streamlined approach for fast and effective global debt collection. While other debt collection agencies merely go through the motions using dispersed partner firms, Payfor directly contacts the debtors using tailored and innovative strategies. This approach eliminates the red tape, resulting in increased probability of successful debt recovery and client satisfaction.
Complete Debt Recovery and Legal Solution
No longer are separate services needed for debt collection and legal proceedings. Payfor offers a unified, efficient solution that empowers you to easily initiate commercial debt recovery efforts via our 30-day chase campaign, and if necessary, seamlessly transition to legal action. We streamline the process, giving you the power to act quickly and effectively.
Beyond Recovery: Your Debt, Our Mission
At Payfor, we're not just about recovering your debt - we adopt your debt as our own mission. Our dedication to minimizing delays and costs, while maximizing effectiveness and creativity, drives our success and sets us apart in the industry. We take pride in going above and beyond, ensuring you experience a hassle-free debt recovery process.
Contact Us
Connect with our team for professional advice and services on commercial debt collection. We welcome inquiries from organisations seeking our expertise.
Please note, however, that we are not currently looking to purchase services, and unsolicited offers will not be entertained.
What Our Clients Say
Case Studies